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You may be fortunate enough to everything. Everyone is not as lucky as you are. There is always someone in a worse position than ourselves. Altruistic can be defined as showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. You get value from knowing that you contribute to the social good”. It will make the world a better place. 

Everyone can make a huge difference to someone in need. Lending a helping hand to someone in need can make a difference and have a momentous impact. Showing compassion and giving kindness can really uplift a person when he’s experiencing a rough time. It conveys a sense of “faith” and an “I believe in you” spirit which alone can act as a tremendous source of renewal for someone who is hurting. Because helping others and charitable giving has a profound rippling effect. You never know, your single act of kindness could change lives in more ways than you possibly fathomed

When you help others, you help yourself !

Volunteering your time, money, or energy to help others doesn’t just make the world better—it also makes you better. The very act of giving back to the community boosts your happiness, health, and sense of well-being.

Doing good things for others boosts your self-respect and makes you feel the satisfaction that comes from giving. “When you help others, you end up happy. You feel that you really accomplished something, and you see that others appreciate it.

When you give, you are likely to get back !

People will notice that you are generous. As a result, they’ll probably be generous to you. Generosity gets rewarded, even if it doesn’t always come straight back from the one you helped. We never know when some tragedy might strike that leaves us needing help ourselves.

Helping others gives us a sense of purpose and satisfaction !

Helping others isn’t a one way street where you do something good for someone and then you both go about your way. When you’ve touched someone’s life in a positive way, you feel connected to them; it’s a bonding experience . . . Read more